Marengo Swamp fest
*This Mud-o-cross event is from our Dirt Wheels Dec. 1997 issue. The beginnings of big-time muddin’ racing in Lousiana.
By the Swamp Things at DIRT WHEELS

Born on the Bayou
In the bayous and backwaters of Louisiana, there is a gator-chomping mud run that attracts more riders than any GNC National or Cross-Country race, including the legendary Blackwater 100. You might even call it the World’s Biggest Mud Run.
Known as the Marengo Suicide Swamp Run, it has been held in the small northern Louisiana community of Hebert since 1985.

Born on the Bayou
The mud-bog-infested, 17-mile loop through the lush trails of Hebert Parish has been a popular event for riders to test themselves and their machines. Each year, the proceeds from the ride have gone to the Wish I Could Foundation, which is a non-profit group that allows children with life-threatening illnesses to get whatever wish they want—certainly a worthy charity to support and a good way to have fun at the same time.
Unfortunately, the Louisiana Department of Fish and Game stepped in and closed the event down in ’96 for what they claimed were environmental reasons. However, the organizers of the Marengo Swamp Run were determined to keep their event going and support the Wish I Could Foundation.

Thanks to the dedication of countless volunteers led by event organizers Leonard and Brad Tullos, over 10,000 signatures in favor of the event were gathered. Realizing the tremendous support, the Louisiana legislature reinstated the Marengo Swamp Run for ’97. With the announcement of this good news, over 1100 riders made the trek to Hebert. All would have gone well if not for the Department of Fish and Game.
Born on the Bayou
Since they had their decision overturned, they counterattacked by making sure all of their rules and regulations were met. Their overzealous enforcement was seen by many as unnecessary harassment.
An example of this was the roadblock they set up a half-mile after the official start to check for hunting and fishing licenses or stamps. Of course, many of the participants were unaware of these requirements for an ATV ride. Once the riders were informed that a one-day permit could be purchased for $2, most seemed willing enough to oblige. The problem was that the uncooperative gun-toting officers brought along only 400 permits with them. This left approximately 600 riders being told to turn around and go home!

As the riders log-jammed at the Fish and Game checkpoint and the short supply of stamps ran out, the situation began to look ugly. People had driven from as far away as Texas, Arkansas and Mississippi. They were in no mood to simply turn around and head back home because some bureaucrat told them they did not have the proper stamp—not to mention the fact that they could not purchase one anyway because there were not enough of them.
Luckily, though, there was a representative of the government who felt strongly about the rights of the individuals attending this worthwhile charity event. Louisiana State Sen. Noble Ellington of District 32, who helped get the Marengo Swamp Run passed through the legislature, had come out to see how this charitable event was proceeding.
He noted that the Louisiana Department of Fish and Game had not brought out nearly enough of the stamps needed for the more than 1000 participants. If they did not want to see a riot break out among the nearly 600 riders who could not purchase stamps, they had better do something quick.

“When the Fish and Game Department ran out of license stamps, they didn’t know what to do,“ said Sen. Ellington after the event. “I consulted the representative on the scene and we eventually resolved it to everyone’s satisfaction.”
With the Fish & Game wildlife stamp fiasco resolved, close to 1200 riders set out around the 17-mile, tree-lined, mudhole-infested course. There were several riders who got ticketed by overzealous rangers when they strayed outside the yellow markers on the course, but by and large the majority of riders rode with little or no harassment.
Between the $10 entry fee and the sales of T-shirts and food, the organizers collected between $15,000 and $20,000 to donate to the Wish I Could Foundation. In spite of the hassles and roadblocks put up by the government bureaucrats, the Marengo Suicide Swamp Run had successfully accomplished its worthy mission of providing ill children with that once-in-a-lifetime wish.
Thanks to a senator who cared enough to make a difference and dedicated people who couldn’t be stopped by a government bureaucracy, the Marengo Swamp Run lives. Long live the king.

Born on the Bayou
For more info: Contact the Marengo Swamp Run or to help support its continued existence, contact Wish I Could at P.O. Box 725, Columbia, LA 71418, or Sen. Noble Ellington at 4270 Front St., Winnsboro, LA 71295; (318) 435-7313.
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